How to Fix Blue Screen of Death in Windows 11

If you encounter a blue screen with an error message on your screen, you are likely having a blue screen of death (BSOD). At times, this is called STOP CODE errors. If you’re looking for a fix, you have landed on the right page. We have some helpful fixes for you. Let’s get started: Step 1: Restart your computer At times, your PC needs some air to breathe. It’s probably time to restart your computer. This is a common fix and might be able to resolve the issue you are experiencing. […]

How to Update Drivers in Windows 11 (Easy Steps)

If you are here to fix driver-related issues such as compatibility, no sound, and system errors, you land on the right page. Before we dive in. What are the advantages of updating your drivers? Improve System Performance: By having the latest drivers, you avoid system issues that will result in poor system performance. Driver updates thus provide you with a proper and smoother system performance. Increase Security: Updated drivers frequently include security improvements, lowering the danger of vulnerabilities being exploited by cybercriminals. Avoid Compatibility Issues: Outdated drivers can cause software […]

How to Use Windows 11 System Restore Point

If you are experiencing the following below, you can use the Windows Restore Point to have your previous settings back. Can’t Boot Computer Normally After Installing a program Unable to Start the Computer After Installing a System Driver Windows Won’t Start Correctly After an Update is Applied Seeing only a Black Screen When Starting the Computer The System Restore Point is an option that enables you to go back to an earlier point in time. A restore point is created when you install a new software, driver, or Windows update. […]

Fix No Sound in Windows 11

Fix Sound Issues in Windows 11: If you’re using Windows 11 and looking to fix sound issues, you are in the right place. Today, I will be providing you easy to follow solutions to get your sound problems fixed. Step 1: Check your Hardware Device If you’re using external audio devices, please make sure that you’re devices are properly plugged into your computer. Also, kindly check the volume, make sure to adjust accordingly, and test it out. For multiple audio devices, please make sure you set the correct device as […]

How to block tracking cookies on your Chrome?

For others who do not know, let’s start with, what are cookies? When you visit practically any website, it creates and keeps a cookie on your computer — a little file containing information about your system and the actions you take on the site. Cookies can be created and used by both the sites you visit and third-party marketers. There are two kinds of cookies: First-party cookies are those set by the website you are on. The URL is displayed in the address bar. Third-party cookies are cookies set by […]

Fix Black Screen of Death in Windows 11

Worse than the Blue Screen of Death is the Black Screen of Death. Why? You will be given an error code by BSoD, or BlueScreen of Death, which you can work on and look for answers. It’s similar to going completely dark with Black Screen of Death, with no indication of where to get light. I’m going to offer some straightforward solutions today. Here are a few solutions you could try to resolve the problem. Step 1: Restart your computer. This is a relatively popular fix that you can use […]

How to Block Ads on your Firefox Browser?

Ads are given when using a browser in today’s world. Whether you like the advertisements or not, they are only one of the many ways that companies use to spread the word about their goods and services. However, if you want a better browsing experience, you can block advertising in Mozilla Firefox. It is really frustrating to have pop-up advertisements that are intrusive, interruptive, and annoying when using the Firefox browser. These advertisements harm the reputation of online advertising. An Ad Remover that we’ve created will help you block these ads. […]

Remove Ads on Chrome

It’s inevitable to deal with ads nowadays when using your browser. Whether you like the ads or not, this is one of many ways for businesses to let people know about their products and services. Having said that, you can definitely disable advertisements in Google Chrome for you to have a better browsing experience. When using your Chrome browser, annoying, obtrusive, and interrupted pop-up ad messages will cause a lot of annoyance. These commercial messages cast a negative light on online advertising. We’ve developed an Ad Remover that will block […]

Everything You Need to Know About Windows 11

To upgrade or not to upgrade?  If you haven’t already heard, Microsoft is rolling out the all-new Windows 11 starting on October 5. All users with eligible PCs running Windows 10 will have free access to this new version by the 2021 holiday season.     Here’s what you need to know about the new launch:  1. Windows 11 has a whole new look.   Expect refreshed colors and icons when you upgrade. This clean and fresh design isn’t just pleasing to look at— Windows 11 was built to put the […]

How to Fix Windows 10 Time Issues

Are you experiencing date and time issues on your Windows 10? Time is gold as they say. If you are experiencing issues with your Windows 10 time and date. Here are easy to follow steps provided below to resolve Windows 10 date and time issues. Step 1: Manually Adjust your Date and Time If you are seeing an incorrect time on your Windows 10 clock, please follow the steps provided below. 1. Please point your mouse pointer on your Date and Time part 2. Right-click it, select Adjust date/time option […]

5 Reasons to Use PC Reviver

Over time, your computer slows down for a number of reasons: Junk file buildup, unwanted programs, disorganized registry… The list goes on.   Fortunately, you can get your computer running like new again with a pretty simple tool called PC Reviver. This all-in-one maintenance solution helps find and fix common computer problems, and helps maintain your computer to avoid issues in the future.   Here are five ways PC Reviver can help extend and optimize your computer’s lifespan.   Best part? Most of these features are available in the free trial.   START MY FREE TRIAL 1. Use PC Reviver to fix […]

If you’ve noticed hardware problems or unreliable computer performance, you may be dealing with outdated or incorrect drivers.   If your computer headache just got worse, don’t worry. Keeping your drivers up-to-date is pretty simple.   What does a driver do?  Think of a computer’s drivers as translators.   Imagine your printer (or monitor, or keyboard) speaks Spanish, but your computer only speaks English. The driver translates for them, allowing your computer and printer to work together.   Drivers are also responsible for lots of your hardware, like your monitor or keyboard, which are absolutely essential to your […]

How to Fix Your Slow Windows 10 Computer

Is it a time for a new computer?   If your Windows 10 computer is running slower than usual, you’re not alone. Slow computer startup, unexpected delays or freezes, and more frequent error notifications are among the most common problems reported by users.  But don’t buy a new computer just yet.   There are a handful of simple and effective fixes to make your computer run faster than you might be able to manage yourself.   If you can’t fix the issue yourself, there’s an even more convenient and very effective solution called PCReviver, which can help boost performance.   Either way, you’ll […]

How to fix Bluetooth Paired but not Connected

To fix Bluetooth Paired but not connected issue, here are easy steps for you. Let’s dive in. Please know that you’re not the only one who’s got this issue. It seems like there are also a few users who’ve got this issue with their paired devices not connecting. Today, I will be providing you steps on how to get this issue fixed. Step 1: Restart Bluetooth Services The easiest fix you could apply to resolve this issue is to restart and get your Bluetooth related devices to automatically run at […]

How to fix Black Screen of Death in Windows 10

Fix Black Screen Issues: To fix Black Screen of Death, please see the following solutions below. Black Screen of Death is worse than the Blue Screen of Death. Why? BSoD or Blue Screen of Death will provide you with an error code that you could work on and search for solutions. With Black Screen of Death, it’s like experiencing a total blackout without any clues where to get a light. Today, I’m going to shed some light on it. Here are a few fixes you could apply to get the […]

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