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my laptop showing irql_not_less_or_equal errror i cant enter to the desktop

Asked by
Goutham Uma
2014/01/06 12:09
1 Likes It
This happened 3 days ago i just cant work with it it is not at all going to desktop
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Answered by
2014/01/06 13:02
Hi Goutham,

Sorry to hear about the Blue Screen error.

1. I would recommend checking your device drivers by following the guide below:

2. If the drivers are fine, get hold of your Windows Install DVD and carry out a repair installation of Windows. You will need to boot from the DVD to access and use this option.

3. Should the above suggestions fail to work, you may need to try booting your computer using a single stick of RAM at a time to rule out problems with your RAM (Memory). Flaky or dying memory modules are known to cause such problems and subsequently need to be replaced.

Give these a try and let us know how you go.

Good luck!


Answered by
Lokesh Yadav
2015/12/12 09:57

0 votes

Hi Uma,

Follow the below steps to solve this problem:

Step 1- Remove USB

By ‘Remove USB’ I mean disconnect and remove all your USB connected devices like printer cable, scanner cable, webcam cable, external hard disk drive etc. beside USB mouse and keyboard. Sometimes our computer’s operating system getting problem to install or operate external USB device drivers and creating this IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error. The simple solution is you can try to remove all external USB connected devices and restart your computer and after that try to use your computer as normal way you use for testing purpose and see did you still getting this error or not.

If BSOD Solved
– If the 0x0000000A error gone that means you having problem with your USB connected hardware drivers so, connect one by one usb device to your computer and analyze which one creating problem. After finding that USB connect hardware which creates this problem you’ll need to reinstall drivers for that particulate hardware.

If BSOD Unsolved
– If you still getting this blue dump then move on to next step because there is a chance you having a problem in your windows installed drivers.

Step 2 – Drivers Install Repair and Update

If the above solution don’t works for you then It’s possible your windows drivers got corrupted and due to driver corruption it might quite possible your windows files and registry files also got corrupted too. So you need to install or update our computers driver and repair our windows files both in order to fix this problem.



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