Program Not Responding!?

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Program Not Responding!?

Postby Reggie » Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:11 am

OH NO! :(
You have a program that's frozen, it simply stopped responding! :x

Don't worry! ;)

1. Press the Ctrl , Shift and Esc keys on your keyboard, in quick succession.

2. You will now be presented with the Windows Task Manager window. Choose the Applications tab to determine/select the program that has stopped responding (not responding). Click on the End Task button.

example.png (137.32 KiB) Viewed 184034 times

3. A confirmation window should appear, giving you the option to end the program immediately, by clicking on the End Now button.

Wait a few seconds and POOF! The unresponsive program should close by itself. Your computer is back to normal! :P

In serious cases, the above method may fail to work and you will have to forcibly turn off your computer, by pressing the POWER button on the PC case, for a few seconds.

It is always a good idea, to give the computer some time, before you open the affected program again.

Good luck! :)
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