These rules must be followed at ALL times. Failure to abide by these rules may result in editing, negative moderation or deletion of your post. ReviverSoft reserves the right to ban users from the site and the exclusive right to change these rules without prior notice.
As the forum is open to the public, you do not need to create an account to browse through the forums.
Forum Usage:
* Only one user account per person is permitted.
* Please keep all posts on Topic.
* Do not create false identities.
* Do not discuss illegal activities.
* Before posting to the forums, please search for a topic which may have already answered your question.
* Post your comment/question to the most appropriate place. Any posts deemed to be in the wrong forum will be moved.
* Make sure you have read the entire post completely before posting a reply.
* Choose an appropriate and clear subject line.
* Include as much information as you can when seeking help. This may include product details, specifications of your computer, Windows Operating System etc.
* Do not post or link to any site that contains adult content, sexually oriented material, or might otherwise be considered offensive. Any post containing an inappropriate link will be deleted and the poster will be banned permanently.
* Please do NOT send Private Messages or email to Staff or helpers to request assistance. Use the exclusive support channels (e-mail, live chat) offered by ReviverSoft.
Assistance from other members:
* We acknowledge the fact that advice will be given from forum users who are are not ReviverSoft employees. Although we do not discourage this, it should be remembered that ReviverSoft take no responsibility for false information / damage to users' systems caused by the actions / advice given on the forum by a non-ReviverSoft employee.
* ReviverSoft reserves the right to request a forum user to stop advising other forum members, if ReviverSoft feels that the advice given is consistently incorrect / harmful to the receiving users.
General guidelines [IMPORTANT]
* Keep all discussions civil and be courteous at all times. Constructive criticism is welcome, but insults directed towards other users or the forum staff will not be tolerated. Coarse/insulting language will not be tolerated on these forums.
* Do not post any private/confidential information on the forums.
* No commercial advertising of any kind is permitted.
* Any posts deemed to be self promotion, advertising, or SPAM will be removed on sight.
eg. Posting and making excessive, inappropriate and unnecessary references to your products and websites is self promotion.
* If you feel a post violates any of these rules, please use Private Message (PM) system to notify the Forum Administrator or Moderator.
* These forums are centered on ReviverSoft products and other Internet & Computer related matters. Discussions of other kind will be deleted indefinitely.
Thank you for understanding and we wish you a pleasant stay here!

The ReviverSoft Team