How is Start Menu Reviver better than other start menus?

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How is Start Menu Reviver better than other start menus?

Postby RS_Admin » Fri May 17, 2013 2:53 am

We've designed Start Menu Reviver to be different.

No more Windows 7 inspired, boring or bare-bone menus. We have combined the best of both worlds to create a new desktop experience for Windows users.

Full start menu functionality + Windows 8's new metro interface

How is Start Menu Reviver better than other alternatives?

Here are 10 reasons why it is:

  1. It's absolutely Free
  2. Restores complete Start Menu functionality
  3. Features Innovative, customizable tile-based menu
  4. Includes Charm buttons for easy access to Windows settings and services
  5. Provides a modern, forward-thinking user interface inspired by the Metro UI
  6. Touch-optimized and supports a wide range of devices
  7. Offers drag and drop functionality for apps and shortcuts
  8. Links to hundreds of tips for your version of Windows
  9. Can link to websites, shortcuts, apps, documents and media
  10. Works on Windows 7 and Windows 8

Simply put, Start Menu Reviver is more intuitive, more functional and more customizable than any other product on the market. Start Menu Reviver is the ONLY solution that is truly touchscreen-friendly and ABSOLUTELY FREE.

See Start Menu Reviver in action:

Still not convinced?
Try it now for Free!
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