How to Copy and Paste?

Computer tips, tricks and more

How to Copy and Paste?

Postby Reggie » Tue Sep 07, 2010 6:41 am

If you have ever wondered how to Copy and Paste in Windows, here's your chance to master these commands!

Method 1:

1. Select the text or file you need to copy, using the keyboard or the mouse.
2. While pressing down the Ctrl key, hit the C key on your keyboard. This copies the content.
3. Go to the desired location where you need to paste the text or file.
4. While pressing down the Ctrl key, hit the V key on your keyboard.

You should now see the text in the desired location. :)

Method 2:

1. Select the text or file you need to copy, using the keyboard or the mouse.
2. Right-click, select Copy.
3. Go to the desired location where you need to paste the text or file.
4. Right-click, select Paste.

That's it!

Additional References:

Reference 1
Reference 2
Reference 3

Good luck! :)
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