Online purchase - Queries and Concerns

Order, purchase and renewal related queries

Online purchase - Queries and Concerns

Postby RS_Admin » Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:56 am

Are you having concerns about making an online purchase?

Well, there is absolutely no reason for concern, as our payment process is hosted on a secure domain ( that has been verified by VeriSign. So please make sure you are on this domain when you are in the process of purchasing our products.

Click here to verify our VeriSign status.

Additionally, our secure payment gateway (secure checkout) is powered by one of the finest e-commerce solutions provider, cleverbridge AG.

You are welcome to contact them regarding other payment related queries and concerns you might have.

If you have concerns over using your Credit Card online, using a PayPal account is a very good option to safeguard your credit card details and complete your purchase with ease.

You have our complete assurance that your transaction will remain safe and secure, through our payment gateway.

Should you have any additional queries or concerns, please let us know.

The ReviverSoft Team
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