Improve PC Performance!

  • Stop Crashes, Freezes and Errors
  • Dramatically Increases PC Stability
  • Easy to Use - Just a Few Clicks
  • Improve Your PC's Health
  • No Risk, Take a Free Scan Today
  • Recommended by Editors and Experts

ReviverSoft Awards


ReviverSoft products are among the best we've tested. They fixed numerous errors and restored superior performance to our test PCs. ReviverSoft's products are must-have software.
-, Dec 2009
ReviverSoft products combine technically advanced software with an intuitive and easy to use interface. The results are impressive and make ReviverSoft products a must have to get maximum performance from any Windows PC.
- MajorGeeks, Nov 2009
More Reviews

Registry Reviver is an advanced registry cleaner that cleans, repairs and optimizes your PC to minimize seizures and crashes. With Registry Reviver, you will see an immediate increase in PC performance and a decrease in crashes.

Fix Errors and stop PC Crashes and Freezes Most common computer errors are due to fragments of old software that are still left in the Windows registry. Cleaning your registry stops these errors.

Advanced Technology to Increase your PC's stability Registry Reviver's advanced detection technology safely and quickly removes errors resulting in a more stable PC with less random crashes.

Boost your PC's Performance and Speed Clean your Windows registry today and experience better computer performance and a perfectly optimized PC.

Clean Your PC Registry Reviver removes all missing & unnecessary registry entries that put an excessive strain on your PC's resources.