Will my subscription be renewed automatically?

Order, purchase and renewal related queries

Will my subscription be renewed automatically?

Postby Reggie » Wed Jan 04, 2012 4:49 am

Will my subscription or license be renewed automatically?

If you have signed up for a product subscription, your license will be automatically renewed every year with sufficient notice. However, you always have the option of canceling your subscription at any time.

What happens when my license key is past its expiry date?

It becomes invalid and is no longer usable (unless you renew it)

I do not wish to renew the product or receive anymore renewal notifications. Can I cancel my license?

Yes, please send in your request to the Product Renewals Team.

How do I renew my subscription or license?

Click here to find out

What happens after the renewal process?

Your existing license will be reactivated and its validity extended by one year.

Do I need to renew my license, to be able to upgrade to the latest version of the product?

No. You can always upgrade to the latest version of the product for free. Simply uninstall the old version from your computer, download and install the new version from our website.

For further enquiries, please write to our Product Renewals team : renewals@reviversoft.com
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