What does the Registry Optimizer do?

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What does the Registry Optimizer do?

Postby Reggie » Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:52 am

The Windows Registry is an important part of your Windows Operating System.

The Registry Optimizer feature of Registry Reviver helps you defrag the Windows Registry completely and optimize it for smooth performance and reliability.

Using the Registry Optimizer regularly improves your system performance and keeps it running smoothly. We recommend optimizing your registry at least once every 5 weeks.

How to use the Registry Optimizer feature:

1. Open Registry Reviver
2. Click on Utilities
3. Select Registry Optimizer
4. Click on the Optimizer Now button

Registry Optimizer

5. You will see a progress bar that corresponds to the defragging process.

To complete the defrag and optimization process, it will schedule itself to run during the next system boot.

After the process is complete, your computer will automatically start loading the Windows operating system.

And you're done! You have successfully defragged and optimized your Windows Registry.
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